Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Alrightie, I've kinda forgotten which households I played recently. This is what happens when you wait wayyyyy too long to update a blog. So if things seem way out of order or show no continuancy...sorry :D

Ross-Copur (yes, the Ross-Copur Household)

Nicole Ross was getting tired of being alone and finally decided it was time to start dating. Realizing that she didn't want to waste time with dwindling dating pool in Truth, she called the gypsy match maker, put down a good amount of her life savings and hoped for the best.

Derek, had decided to really and earnestly, track down his run-away girlfriend, Emmy Kosmokos and he actually managed to do what Em Moore had managed to do. Emmy came home with him and moved in to stay in Teneesha's old bedroom. Things are looking up for them.

Nicole waited for her date impatiently. A young, dark skinned, blond haired man in a tweed suit soon showed up and introduced himself as Prof. William Copur. They hit it off immediately, even though he was quite young. Nicole and Will (as he prefered to be called) decided to get married quite quickly. Nicole called her children over for the wedding, Emmy volunteered to cook the wedding dinner (which was quite good) and Derek declared he was the supervisor to make sure everything got done. After glares from his mother and his girlfriend, Will took pity on his soon to be step-son, and asked him to help set up the wedding arch on the balcony.

The wedding went off without a hitch.

Nicole's looked lovely (of course). Teneesha wouldn't have her mother looking any other way.
Both Damien and Teneesha with the turn of events.
Mind you, all the guests were happy with the turn of events

And a lovely evening was had by all.

Watson Household

Big revelation (or at least it was for me). Olivia made a new friend, Em Moore. For the life of me, I was trying to figure out for the life of me, why Em never seemed interested in any of the guys I had introduced her to....and then she went over to Olivia's house and randomly flirted with her. It explained so much! She wasn't interested in men. So Em and Olivia are keeping things on the down-low for now. No one else knows, or knew about the relationship, and they are happy to keep it quiet for now.


Angelica and Andrew finally got married. Couldn't happen any quicker considering she just found out she was prenant. They quickly contacted the Vicar, Patrick O'Reilly and he married them.

Olivia and Em managed to sneek in a little time together

What we have also learned from this wedding...
  • Kicky Bag is an acceptable sport at recpetions
  • Davnus cannot believe anyone actually wants to marry Angelica
  • Em thinks that Angelica is "hot"...too bad Anglica doesn't swing that way
  • Vicar O'Reilly makes a mean alcoholic drink
  • Teneesha is secretly a DJ
  • Apparently, it's okay to wear a bridal gown to another person's wedding

Anglica and Andrew also ended up having a set of triplets, 2 girls and a boy: