Thursday, February 22, 2007

Love is in the Air (at least in Truth)

Enter Jace Ajjanagadde. The paperboy that Drucilla has been talking to online. She never made the connection that the boy who delievers the newspaper and the Jace she talks to online were one in the same. And she really likes him. She even got dressed up (mostly took off that ridiculous winter hat, let her hair down and changed her make-up a bit) and invited him over. They had a wonderful time....playing Chess [eyes rolling right now] So romantic aren't they? They even managed to have 2 lightening bolts of attraction (like her parents)
Dru was kind of embarassed though due to her parents making-out like they were teenagers. But she managed to distract Jace by asking him on a date. He shyly said yes and then revealed he was a knowledge sim with great hopes of going off to Truth University as well. Suddenly Dru was thinking maybe she should be looking into University as well.

Keely already had 2 scholarships (Cooking and Creativity) under her belt and was working on her 3 (Logic). Keely decided to put off loking for a boyfriend until her University plans were well taken care of. She was happy she didn't have flighty, romantic notions flying around in her head yet unlike her sister Dru.

Stevie's having fun in her elderhood. She transitioned in Platinum but still has a while to go before she becomes perma-plat so many, many, many more spectacular dates for her.
Brian is on his way to elderhood. He only has 2 more days before he transitions but soon he'll also be a General and be perma-plat as well.

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