Monday, April 9, 2007

Bruty & Ross Households

My goodness, problems are coming and I don't know what to do! This all started just before Meshell became a teen. Both Hayden and Lisa are working their way up their respected careers and bringing in the money, when Lisa brings a friend in from work. I'm like, okay, no prob. Spend a bit of quality time and send them home in a couple hours so she can continue skilling and work on her next promotion. She brings home Jace Ajjanagade (I think I can actually spell his name correctly. Hooray!). I'm liking the inter-connectivity that starting up in my neighbourhood until I see this:

What the heck happend to Lisa and Hayden since graduation of Truth U? I swear they used to have 2 bolts of attraction a piece...and now Lisa's more attracted to a Kenisa Sister's finace (aka: Dru Seavey's finace). I have no clue as to how I'm gonna deal with this now. My problem is:

  1. Hayden LTW of a Golden Anniversary...which means no cheating from either partner, throw a party after they're both elders and he stays platinum for the rest of his days
  2. Jace is now a part of a Legacy moving him out now, I believe goes against the rules
So I may have to ignore the attraction until Hayden gets his LTW or do it quickly so that Hayden can find someone else and then achieve his LTW with a new spouse...but if I do, he'll have a major aspirational loss due to the break up of his marriage.

That's not all the drama that's happening in the Bruty house. Lisa and Melissa are fighting...not just arguing but full out brawling in the middle of the kitchen. Hayden nearly missed work 2 times just trying to break up the fights.

I didn't bother with pictures of the full fight because honestly, who wants to take a picture of the puff of smoke that follows Pigpen around (from Charlie Brown). Neither Lisa nor Melissa are taking about why they are fighting but a few choice words of the fight were "ungrateful", "unworthy", etc (just pick out a few more 'un' words that are negative, and you've got the idea).

Meshell is the only one who seems to have absolutely no problems. She making friends left right and centre. First, she brought home Miguel...then she brough home Jose...the next day, she brought home Blaise. Can you see a social butterfly on the move? Suffice it to say, she became a popularity sim when she became a teen (can't let a 10 Outgoing go to waste considering both of her parents for 4 and 3 Outgoing). She wants to become the first Mayor of Truth...kinda makes you wonder who's running the show now. Meshell loves to shop as well.

Her dad, Hayden doesn't like the stuff she wears...but what does he know? He's only her dad. She pats him on his bald head, and saunters out of the house with her mid-driff, low cut tops and low rider pants...I may not have to worry about the prospect of his marriage falling apart when the way his daughter dresses could give him a heart-attack first.

Melissa left Hayden and Lisa's home and decided to go off to Truth U early instead of fighting with her sister-in-law. We'll see how this family continues to deal with each other when she moves back to Truth.

The Ross Household...

Skilling'R'Us seems to be the motto in this house. I would like to get Nicole married again but there are no prospective I may just let her wait until elderhood and maybe one of the repairmen, headmasters, or professors from Truth U might be available. Derek grew up into a NICE looking teen. I was so excited! Here's a look at him so far:

I love this family's genetics. I grew up one of his townie friends, Emmy Kosmokos.

Not exactly the best picture of her but you at least get the general idea of what she looks like now. She completely captured his heart (3 lighting bolts of attraction a piece and there's no one else involved!). They're both family sims and she wants to be Captain's that going to work with Derek's brother and sister, Damien and Teneesha? I don't know but it would be interesting to see how it will all play out.

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