Sunday, April 15, 2007

The Ross, Watson, Goodman and Legacy Household

The Ross family was uneventful but considering it was only 2 days until their week was over, it was expected. Nicole got promoted. Teneesha is ready for Truth U and Derek is his cute self, as per usual

Ofelia Watson…first time I’ve played her household. She started out promising and she ended up disappointed by the end of the 2nd day. She got into her science track, late Monday morning so she didn’t have work that day and only had $28 to her name. She talked to Nicole Ross, her only friend in Truth as of yet, who said she would see what she could do about helping Ofelia out financially, especially considering that Ofelia only had a single bed, lawn chair, stack of books, a toilet and shower…no food, no fridge, no nothing! Ofelia was eagerly looking forward to her first day at work as a Test Subject. They gave her some stupid puzzle where she had to decide if she wanted the blue liquorice or red liquorice. Ofelia went with her first instinct and took the red one. An announcement on the sound system told her, “That is all, we will no longer be needing your services.” Ofelia thought that meant she would go on to test something else…unfortunately, Ofelia soon discovered, it meant she was unemployed.

However, to her surprise when she looked in her bank account, trying to figure out how she was going to make ends meet, she found a mysterious deposit of $50,000. Ofelia was quite shocked but was told that the money was supposed to have been deposited in her account. Ofelia decided to no longer question how she got the money and set about buying some essentials, like a car, a small fridge and counter and an easel. She went to Hernandez’s Corner Store and pick up a few of those Pink Puffer Snapdragons that she had read about and was quite surprised to find them available so locally. She set up a few of them in her room and decided she was going to start building robots instead of going out and working like the common man (or woman). Deciding as well that gardening and cleaning the house, would be a waste of her skills and time, she hired a maid that was sent to her at Nicole’s advice and a gardener to take care of the overgrown hedges in her yard. Ofelia also decided she was going to have to learn everything if she wanted to be able to build one of those Servos she read about in the SimRobotics Scientific Journal. She set about learning everything about the mechanics and then decided that she wanted her servos and other robots, to have a distinctive “Ofelia Watson” look and spent some time working on her creativity. After that, Ofelia decided that anyone who wants a decent Servo, would like one that could cook as well, so she set out to study everything there is to know about cooking.

By the end of her week, Ofelia realized that she really doesn’t find the new male maid attractive, but he does keep the house quite clean, so that was enough for her. The gardener doesn’t seem too bad and her house wasn’t overgrown with ivy, so the gardener stays as well. Ofelia maxed her creativity and mechanical skills, but didn’t do too well socially.

Goodman Household aka: Felicia Goodman, Kenisa Sorority, graduated.

Felicia didn’t realize how broke she would be once she bought her home and how sparse the house would be. Since money was so tight, she decided to get a loan for $10,000 to spruce up her house. She got herself a job as an artist, and slowly started getting money coming into the house, only to have it put right back to her loan. But Felicia couldn’t really complain. She had basics, a fridge and pizza maker, computer (Monique hacked one, of course), her double bed and a decent bathroom. Not too long after she moved in, she managed to find the time to invite Breanna Nott, now Breanna Ross over to see the new house, bare as it was. Felicia was quite surprised to see Breanna’s reaction.

Turns out, Breanna just realized that she’s pregnant and possibly, she not disgusted by the house (Felicia hadn’t manage to decipher that part yet). Felicia clapped her on the back, told her congratulations and sent her back home before she threw up all over the lawn. Later that evening, feeling lonely, Felicia decided to call this guy named Amin Carson that she remembered from Truth U. He was kind of weird but he made her laugh so she gave him a call. Please keep this picture of him in mind:

Let’s just say, he’s not as creepy as he seems. He was the Notorious Truth U Streaker and apparently, he feels very…liberal about the use of clothing. Felicia and Amin hit it off (with 2 lighting bolts of attraction) and maybe she moved to fast or something but my Friday, she was helping him unpack boxes in her house. He came with $19,000 so that was beneficial and he loved her to distraction. By Sunday, they were married, and he still didn’t like wearing clothes around the house and Felicia has already given up on trying to change him.

What was also interesting at the wedding was who was seen by the Truth Community Chapel. As Felicia and Amin were walking up to the front doors of the church, they happened to spy a couple in deep “conversation”. At first it appeared to be Damien and Breanna Ross, however, on closer inspection Felicia realized it wasn’t Breanna, but a woman that did look a lot like her. Felicia wasn’t sure what to think but as far as she was concerned, either Felicia had a twin sister that she didn’t know about and Damien found for her or Damien was having an affair with a woman who looks a lot like his wife which would be not only moralistically wrong, but kind of creepy.

Legacy Household

The family continued to go on as before…Stevie wanted more grandchildren and was strongly hinting towards Drucilla to hurry and get married so she could have her legitimate grandchildren. Brian rolled his eyes and decided to wait until his daughter was ready. Drucilla was more than ready to become Mrs. Jace Ajjanagadde however, with their work schedule, it was very difficult to co-ordinate the schedules to have it. Finally Drucilla had enough and woke everyone up early, 6AM early and told them to go down to the conservatory. There, she and Jace finally got to exchange their vows a couple of hours before his carpool arrived. They made quick trip upstairs…and she’s now pregnant. So the next generation of Vane/Seavey/Ajjanagadde family will be there any day now…Please let the genetics be decent!

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